What goes on in the minds and emotions of those suffering with Alzheimer's disease?
It can be heart breaking to witness a loved one gradually lose themselves over a period of time. There can be a trigger that unfolds in this challenge, it can be an inherited pattern sat dormant that manages to push through to overide & take control. Similarities can also be seen in those challenged with Dementia or Multiple Personality Disorder.
Escapism is what the individual is seeking in a world or situation that has come increasingly difficult and pressurised. They percieve that there is no way out, hence they withdraw from a troubled life forming an exit strategy. Externally they are unable to walk away from the situation usually down to loyalty and vows of commitment, so internally they escape, no longer wanting to witness the pain.
They may have always been the caregiver that has always carried the burdens and pains of others, unable to voice their needs and desires forsaking them. The problem is no clear boundaries may have been set or they may have felt disempowered by others. This continous cycle has lead to a downfall in their spiritual, emotional and physical well being.
Narcisstic relationships may also have lead to their demise, these can often happen through the family line.
How can we help our loved ones?
Allow our loved ones to fully express themselves, give them the respect they deserve. Through compassion, love, music, community, dance & nature our loved ones can once again feel the joys of their youth, they go into full remeberance.
Compassion, respect, love and understanding are key to understanding and dealing with Alzheimer's.